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4 Ways to lower cholesterol naturally


high cholesterol became one  of the most common diseases, especially in our societies as a result of several genetic factors, social, and habits of food, and certain lifestyle, in addition to the rise of obesity and stress levels, at the same time not to allocate the time necessary for exercises.
Replaced natural ways to lower cholesterol for industrial roads, is better from the standpoint of health experts, so as this most important of the benefits of not having to prescriptions and medications that carry the risk of their use and side  symptoms including:


- Aches and muscle weakness.

- weakness in the memory and lucidity.

- Liver failure or lack of action in a natural way.

- A lack of vital nutrients to the heart.

- Long-term access to possible damage to the heart.

Four natural ways to lower cholesterol naturally ways

1. practice exercises on a regular basis:

Walking, jogging, sports  are all burn calories,improve blood circulation and act in the long term to reduce the cholesterol level,where studies show that aerobic exercises of moderate daily reduce cholesterol by 10-20 percent, and raise good cholesterol at the same time.

2. Improving the diet:

Work on the obligation balanced and proportionate food diet with the need to reduce the level of cholesterol, and through a lot of eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains, soluble fiber, such as those found in oats, apples, barley, where studies suggest that eating 3 grams of at least fiber soluble necessary. In addition to the black beans, cabbage, sweet potatoes, strawberries, Alasprgos, beets and citrus. And stay away from fatty food, and fatty, red meat, hydrogenated oils, and manufactured goods, candies, and cigarette smoking. Since the commitment to a balanced diet works to reduce harmful cholesterol, while raising the ratio of good cholesterol.

3. reduce and maintain ideal weight:

Experts emphasize that those who suffer from overweight have a higher harmful cholesterol and good cholesterol is low

4. The practice of health management of the level of anxiety and stress:

relation between high cholesterol and stress and anxiety, is one of the recent discoveries, sort of,  where several recent studies confirm that the maintain of relax and calm works well to maintain a person from risk of serious diseases and maintain cardiovascular health .
By following the above steps, you can stay healthy, and try to get to these numbers, which he considers the nature of doctors:
 General cholesterol: less than 200 mg / dL.

- LDL cholesterol: less than 100 mg / dL.

- Good cholesterol: less than 40 mg / dL.

- Three fat: Less than 150 mg / dL.

With all good wishes for health, and no need for drugs
