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Vaccinate Your Baby

Vaccinate Your Baby

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According to the recommended vaccination schedule for people 0-6 years old, children can receive up to 24 vaccinations to protect against a maximum of 14 diseases before the age of 2 years. It may seem like a lot of shots for your child, but some parents are worried unnecessarily.
Vaccines are recommended for very young children because their immune system is not fully mature and because their stomachs produce less acid, which makes it easier for bacteria and viruses to multiply ingested. These factors make them more vulnerable to the devastating effects of these serious illnesses.

When a baby develops in the uterus, it is in a sterile environment. The baby's immune system enters the moment of birth, when the child confronts the bacteria outside the uterus. But our bodies are an incredible creation with an immune system that is ready to go to work from the moment we were born. Babies immediately begin to develop an active immune response to these bacteria - an immune response that prevents bacteria from entering the bloodstream and causing damage.
In the first two years of life, a child is exposed to 11 or 12 vaccines, some of which are given over time in multiple doses. The extent to which these vaccines involve a child's immune system is a drop in the ocean compared to the tens of thousands of environmental challenges that babies are able to manage every day.

What you should discuss with the health professional for your child in planning the vaccination:
• If your child has had an allergic reaction to a previous vaccination or vaccine ingredient, such as eggs or gelatin.
If your child has a high fever or a history of fever after receiving a vaccine.
Doctors and other public health experts have worked hard to find the best immunization schedule, offering the most complete and safe protection possible. It is not advisable to omit or delay vaccines, as this will leave the child vulnerable to the disease for a longer period of time. Parents should discuss any problems with their child's pediatrician.
