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Treatment of fever in children

Treatment of fever in children

For children 4 months or older who have been immunized

1. Take the temperature

Rectal. For a child less than 4 or 5 months old, use a rectal thermometer for accurate reading. A child has a fever if the rectal temperature is more than 100.4 F.
Oral. For children older than 4 or 5 months, an oral thermometer or a pacifier can be used. The child has a fever when it is above 100.4 F.
Ear. If the child is 6 months or older, an ear or temporal artery thermometer may be used, but this may not be as accurate. However, under most circumstances, it is a reasonable means to obtain sufficient estimation. If you need an accurate reading, take the rectal temperature.
Armpit. If the child's temperature is taken in the armpit, a reading above 100.4 ° F usually indicates a fever.

2. If the temperature is below 102 degrees F

It is not necessary to treat the fever unless the child feels uncomfortable.
Make sure your child has plenty of fluid and rest.

3. If the temperature is above 102 degrees F, but below 105 degrees

You can give your children acetaminophen (Tylenol). Ask your pediatrician before giving a fever medicine to a child for the first time.
Take a bath or sponge to the child with warm water can help lower the temperature. Do not use cold water, ice baths or alcohol.
Do not give aspirin to a child under the age of 18 because of the risk of Reye's syndrome, a dangerous brain disease.
Call your pediatrician to see if you should take your child to see the doctor.

4. Follow-up

A child should not return to school or day care until the child has had a fever for 24 hours.
Call your pediatrician if the fever lasts more than two days, gets higher, or if you are worried.
