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The tonsils are two small glandular tissue buffers (ganglia) located on each side of the back of the throat. They are part of your immune system. They make antibodies and white blood cells (lymphocytes) to attack the germs inside your mouth. This makes the tonsils your first line of defense against bacteria in food or air.
Tonsils are relatively small in the first year of a baby's life and increase in size as the child grows. They are usually at their highest between the ages of four and seven.
Tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils become infected and can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Tonsillitis can develop in people of all ages. However, adults who get tonsillitis usually had more infections in their lives, so they become more prone to illness such as children
Symptoms of tonsillitis

The symptoms of tonsillitis are:
White or yellow spots of pus on the tonsils
Sore throat - although some children complain of pain in the stomach, rather than a sore throat
Inflammation of the glands under each side of the jaw
Swallowing pain
Bad breath.
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Bacteria, viruses and tonsillitis

When tonsillitis is caused by bacteria (about 15 percent of all tonsil infections), it is usually streptococcal bacteria. It is not easy to know when tonsillitis is caused by bacteria - your doctor can make a sample of the throat (sterile cotton by gently rubbing a stick in the Magdalen) and send it for analysis.
There are many viruses that can cause tonsillitis. Antibiotics do not help if tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection.
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Complications of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis can cause a number of complications, including:
Chronic tonsillitis - infection of the tonsils that does not dissipate. The person may continue to feel sick and tired
Secondary infection - infection can spread to the nose, sinuses, or ears of the person
Adhesive tits media (tits media) in children - adenoids are part of the same group of lymph nodes as the tonsils. When the vegetation are inflamed (usually when the tonsils are also excellent), they can block the Eustachian tube, which extends from the back of the throat to the middle ear. This is the thin tube pushes the air when it "pops" the ears. If the tube is mostly blocked, the liquid adhesive forms in the middle ear that interferes with hearing. This is called the tail of the ear
Quinsy - If the infection spreads to the tissues around the tonsils, an abscess may form in the throat, also known as a perditions abscess. This causes severe pain and can interfere with swallowing and regular breathing. Antibiotics may help, but sometimes surgery is needed to drain the abscess.
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Treatment of tonsillitis

Because most episodes of tonsillitis are caused by viruses, most of the treatment is to help alleviate symptoms such as pain and fever. Paraclete can help the person and should rest. Most children with tonsillitis do not feel well and it hurts when swallowing. Try cold drinks (cold drinks can do harm), blocks of ice and ice cream. Do not worry if a child stops eating for a day or two. Usually, they are quickly when the infection is gone.

For tonsillitis caused by bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed.
