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Smoking and sexual health

Smoking and sexual health

Smoking affects the reproductive health of the man and his sexual power, it increases the risk of infertility and cause erectile dysfunction, due to lack of blood supply to the penis. Also it linked to the occurrence of problems in the sperm. The study pointed out that quitting smoking leads to an erection much thicker and stiffer.

However, the negative role played by smoking in the health of the heart and blood vessels, lungs and clear, such as increased risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries and lung cancer, the role of smoking harmful man's sexual health or unknown to many is unclear.

In a different picture of reality Some see smoking manifestation of manhood, and the evidence of the young smoker skipped childhood and entry in manhood and even virility. This may be due to a lot of ads that promote tobacco smoker imagine wearing clothes tight concretization of his muscles, but they certainly do not show him coughing blood when infected lung disease.

Smoking reduces blood flow to the penis, and this leads to a decline in Troyth vessels and leads to the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. Smoking on sperm also affects across four ways:

Reduce their number.
Reduce movement (motility).
Increasing unrest in the shape and functions.
Reduce quality.

Increase penis size

A study published in 2011 in the British International Journal of Urology included 65 men a smoker, I found that you can get an erection faster and stronger when to quit.
It turns out that people who quit smoking have erections thicker and more solid. The quitters arrived at the maximum excitement stage five times faster compared with smokers.

It is the sign of the study are that the negative impact on erectile dysfunction was not due to smoking only, but included nicotine. It was inferred that the improvement in erectile did not begin until after the cessation of the people in the study on the use of nicotine patches, which are used to help quit smoking.

Although the negative effects of smoking include several diseases such as cancer of the mouth and throat cancer and esophageal cancer, and other cancers, such as kidney, bladder, pancreas, cervix, and inflammation of the gums and tooth decay and skin wrinkles, these data for the erection and his recovery with quitting smoking may encourage smokers more to make the decision to quit
