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natural Breast feeding

Breast feeding

Breastfeeding strengthens the child's immunity, and this explains why children who have breastfed less susceptible to many diseases, as it transmits them to the mother's milk antibodies, the most important of what is known as "Aa.ja.oa" (IgA), as their milk contains a lot of material that It strengthens the child's immune system, such as proteins, fats, sugar and antibodies and white blood cells.

And the immune system in the human body is responsible for protecting the body from harmful organisms and bacteria and toxins, as addressed by bacteria, fungi, viruses and malignant cancer cells, so the child enjoy strong immunity is reflected in the increased ability to resist disease.

Several components

The immune system  includes several components, including the skin which forms the bulwark and barrier prevents the entry of the invaders, and saliva and sweat which contain substances that kill bacteria, and stomach acids that kill bacteria that reach the gastrointestinal tract, cells macrophages and B cells responsible for producing antibodies, and T cells.
And it produces the mother's body antibodies as a result of contact with the environment and exposed to attacks by bacteria, and when suckling her mother, these objects passed to him, and because the child lives in the same environment, it is generally exposed to the same germs that are exposed are her, so the antibodies that help him in the fight.

The mother's milk helps the child to develop the immune system stronger and more effective, the children who are breastfed have gland larger than those fed milk factory. The function of this gland manufacture a type of white blood cells that help protect the baby from infection, and this is according to the Australian Breastfeeding Association *.


The most important antibodies that transfer through the mother's milk for her baby, "Aa.ja.oa" (IgA) antibodies which protect the inner surfaces of the body, such as the mouth, stomach, intestines and lungs. When the child sucks it and not be digested, but covers the digestive tract and prevent the entry of germs, including the inside of the body.

It was also observed that children who are breastfed produce higher levels of antibodies after getting some types of vaccines compared to those fed milk factory, and that means a stronger immunity.
However it should be noted that breastfeeding is not a substitute for the child from getting vaccination according to medical instructions, which is not enough to protect him from diseases that require vaccinations such as polio and measles, so they should see a doctor and to ensure that a child gets his  full vaccinations.
