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Gum disease (gingivitis)


Gum disease (gingivitis) often develops slowly without causing pain and can start almost any age. Sometimes, it may have no symptoms until the disease has progressed and spread to supporting bone (periodontitis), causing bone loss and, finally, loss of teeth.

The term gum disease or periodontal disease describes bacterial growth and the production of factors that gradually destroy the tissue surrounding and supporting the teeth.

Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Bleeding gums
Bad breath
Inflamed red gums
Secretion of pus
Free or separate teeth
Gums that have separated from the teeth exposing the root
Therefore, it is very important to have regular dental checkups and periodontal examination done, preferably once in 3 months. A periodontist is a specialist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. Using the latest minor surgery and periodontal techniques, a periodontist can solve your problems in the entire gums.

Recent studies have shown a link between gum disease and serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory disease and premature babies with low birth weight. Just getting a dental cleaning can not solve this problem. A specialist is needed to diagnose and treat these problems.

If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms, best contact us for an appointment.

Procedures for treating gum disease

Non-surgical treatment (Scaling, root planing, local medication administration)
Periodontal surgery (pocket reduction procedure and regenerative procedures, soft tissue grafts).
LASER: Our periodontist uses a laser to treat many problems in the gums, thus avoiding surgery. The laser assisted treatment guarantees greater comfort, without bleeding and very fast healing for our patients. Sometimes within two days, the gums will be completely normal after laser surgery!
Aesthetic gingiva surgery (correction of gingival smile, black to pink gums, root coverage procedures to cover exposed roots / long teeth) helps to create a beautiful smile
Remember that healthy gums can make your teeth last a lifetime!

Laser gums Treatment

WaterlasemachineLasers are the last treatment modality for the treatment of periodontal disease. We are the first private clinic for the most powerful and advanced dental laser,
In the past, the periodontist would have to have surgery to treat advanced gum disease. This caused side effects like contraction gums, making the teeth longer, post-operative inflammation and discomfort, suturing and prolonged healing time. Now, with this laser, we can achieve better results without many effects after surgery.

Advantages of laser dentistry in the treatment of gum disease

The procedure is minimally invasive and requires suture and without problems.
The discomfort is much less during and after surgery compared to standard surgery.
Fewer dentist visits during traditional surgeries
Rubber removal is minimal, after treatment compared to traditional surgery.
Less or no inflammation after surgery
Faster recovery time - usually within 24 hours.
The procedure is safe for patients with health problems such as diabetes, hemophilia or those taking drugs such as Plavix or aspirin
Renewing the gums

Rejuvenating pin gum is a method of treating patients with remote gums through a small hole. There is little discomfort for the patient since the treatment is without scalpel, the graft without and without. The treatment causes little swelling and bleeding resulting in a faster healing time, usually only 24 hours. This is a quick and easy procedure without the need for multiple visits to the dentist, as it can be done in one go, for an hour or two.
