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geriatric diseases

geriatric diseases

What should you prepare and how? we spoke with experts on key health issues. While some diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and certain cancers, researchers continue to confuse, many can be prevented, minimized or prevented with a healthy lifestyle and periodic health examinations.

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

About three-quarters of adults 60 and older are overweight or obese. Obesity is linked to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, disease, gallbladder and blood pressure.

More than 41% of adults age 60 or have a combination of risk factors known as metabolic syndrome, which puts people at greater risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. It is characterized by:

Measuring size over 41 inches for men, 36 inches for women (the apple-shaped body)
Triglyceride level of 152 mg / dl or more
HDL "good" cholesterol below 41 mg / dl in men, 52 mg / dl in women
Blood pressure of 131/85 or more
Of fasting blood glucose level of 111 mg / dl or more
"Women in perimenopause and menopause tend to accumulate fat around the waist and hips, and men have the bowel" and "The best way to fight it with increased exercise reduce alcohol consumption - the intestine And reduce intake calorique.En also increase the intake of healthy fats - omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats and remove trans fats completely, since there is no safe amount of the same.

It also advises avoiding sugary foods with high fructose corn syrup. The common sweetener is found in everything from soft drinks to breakfast cereals to low-fat yogurt. "In the middle ages, we should eat food as close to natural preparation as possible.
