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Four household recipes deceptive and harmful for teeth whitening

Four household recipes deceptive and harmful for teeth whitening

A recent German study of home recipes, warned deployed to whiten your teeth on social networking sites and said it was harmless because the acidic substances that rub their teeth.
The spread on social networking sites and pages of many household mixtures allegedly give-user whiter than white teeth like pearls, but the scientific data says it is harmful to the teeth, which represents a harmless trick users.

The study warned -alta conducted by the University of Jena in Germany and German-published by Focus magazine of these mixtures, she -khalava touting what has widened harm the enamel layer of the tooth, as they do not make white teeth.

The following are the most prevalent home recipes for whitening teeth, and detriments on teeth:

Lemonade recipe:
 it is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of lemon juice with a little baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), then wring it out teeth. The study, conducted by the University of Jena The acidic substances harm the enamel layer, and make the teeth more susceptible to decay, and tooth rubbing acidic materials makes it darker in the long term.

Strawberry recipe:

it is prepared by grinding pill Strawberry well, then mix with half a teaspoon of baking soda until mixture turns into a paste, and rub the teeth . German study warns of this mix, and says that the scientific experiment this mixture circulating widely on social networks, has not been proven to have no significant impact.

Turmeric recipe:
And being prepared by mixing turmeric powder with water, then rub the mixture teeth. The study said it was not scientifically prove any connection between turmeric and teeth whitening.

Apple cider vinegar recipe:
Mix a little apple cider vinegar with a little baking soda paste consists have you rubbing your teeth bleached and done to get rid of the lime, but the German study, said that talk is not scientific, but apple cider vinegar does not whiten teeth
Teeth exposed to acidic materials and then rub it directly destroy the enamel layer in the tooth (Deutsche Welle)

For his part, Professor Klaus Aandt warned  of exposing teeth to acidic materials and then rub it directly, because it hurts the enamel layer.
Aandt said in an interview with Focus magazine that "many people drank the juice that contains acidic materials then cleaning their teeth immediately, thinking that they are doing good for their teeth, but they are making things worse, and putting teeth to become brittle."
The correct way to whiten your teeth shall be through the food and drinks in which the pigments such as tea and coffee, and smoking cessation, and consult a dentist who can perform teeth whitening techniques to maintain the safety of age and reducing health.
