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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

A group of disorders that lead to the disruption in the eating pattern, which leads to eating a large amount of food or very little amount. It may also accompanied by a change in the look of the person's body and weight, as it may consider himself very obese with that very skinny.

And eating disorders seriously affect a person's health, for example, a person with anorexia nervosa are more vulnerable to early death by 18-fold compared with healthy person, so these disorders is a serious medical problem, which is not a luxury, as some believe. And it is often accompanied by other illnesses such as depression and addiction and anxiety.
Usually eating disorders occur during the early teen years or young adulthood, but may occur earlier in childhood or in later stages of age after the young. Eating disorders occur as a result of several factors, including psychological and social side, and the genes and heredity role.

The most prominent eating disorders are:

Anorexia nervosa :

In this disease the person deals with a small amount of food, and many of the injured, we want to see themselves too, even though they are very slim, becomes fond of these controlling weight control eating.

And signs of the disease:

Extreme slenderness.

passion of thinnest and the unwillingness of the person to maintain a healthy weight.
Intense fear of gaining weight.
The existence of a distorted image of the body affected by the assessment of the person to the weight of his body.
Menopause in women.
Eat a small amount of eating.
In some cases, a person may eat a large amount then try compensation through the exercise of harsh diet or exercise excessively.
The person may vomit deliberately to take out the food he eats, as the may eat laxatives.

Complications of anorexia nervosa:

Pounding hair and nails.
The growth of fine hair all over the body.
Muscle weakness.
Reduction of Blood pressure.
For damage to the heart and brain.
Failure of internal organs.
Constant fatigue.
In some cases, the person may die.

Bulimia (Bulimia nervosa):

In this disorder the person is going through bouts of bulimia eating, dealing with large amounts of food, and then trying to make up for it through vomiting and use of laxatives and diuretics, starvation and excessive sport.
The disease differs from bulimia anorexia nervosa in the former was that patients have a healthy weight is within the normal weight range, but by the second infected usually be weighing less than normal.
Typically, they are to exercise bulimia behavior in secret, because the person feels ashamed of his behavior. Eating episodes and try to get rid of it several times a week has been occurring up to several times a day.
Symptoms include:
Chronic inflammation in the throat as a result of vomiting.
Hypertrophy of the salivary glands in the neck and jaw.
The erosion of tooth enamel and increased tooth decay as a result of stomach acids that link to the teeth through the continuous and deliberate vomiting.
Severe drought.
Salt levels of disorder in the body which may lead to a heart attack.

Bulimia eating (Binge eating):

In this disorder the person is going through bouts of bulimia eating, but do not follow the process of vomiting or starving or practice sport, and therefore with the disorder are usually obese and obesity.
These people are more prone to heart disease, high blood pressure, as they feel shame and guilt of what they are doing.
