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Breast Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops from breast cells.

Breast cancer usually begins in the lining of the milk ducts or lobes that provide your milk. Malignant tumors may spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer that started in the lobules is known as the name of lobular carcinoma, while it developed from the ducts called ductal carcinoma.

The vast majority of cases of breast cancer occur in women. This article focuses on breast cancer in women. We also have an article on breast cancer in humans.

Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer among women worldwide. It represents 16.5% of all female cancers and 23% of invasive cancers in women. 18% of all cancer deaths in the world, including men and women from breast cancer.

Breast cancer rates are much higher in developed countries than in developing countries. There are several reasons for this, perhaps with longevity being a key factor - breast cancer is more common in older women; Women in richer countries live much longer than those in the poorest countries. According to experts, the different lifestyles and eating habits of women in rich and poor countries are also contributing factors.

Symptoms of breast cancer

A symptom that is felt by the patient, and described by the doctor or nurse, such as headache or pain. A sign is something that the patient and others can detect, for example, a rash or swelling.

The symptoms of early breast cancer are usually an area of ​​thicker tissue in the woman's chest, or a mass. Most lumps are non-cancerous; However, the women would have done it checked by a health professional.

Women who detect any of the following signs or symptoms should tell their doctor:

A lump in a chest
Does not appear to be related to the woman's menstrual period pain in the arms or breast
Prick or redness of the skin of the breast; Like the skin of an orange
A rash around (or over) one of the nipples
Swelling (lumps) in one of the armpits
An area of ​​thickened tissue in the chest
A nipple has a discharge; Sometimes it may contain blood
The nipple changes in appearance; May become depressed or reversed
The size or shape of changes in the breasts
The skin of the nipple or breast may have begun to peel, flake or detach.

causes of  Breast cancer

1) dense breast tissue

Women with dense breast tissue are more likely to develop breast cancer.

2) Exposure to estrogen
Women who started having periods early or went into menopause later than usual have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. This is because their bodies were exposed to estrogen for a longer time. Exposure to estrogen begins when periods begin and fall considerably during menopause.

3) Obesity
Obese and overweight women after menopause may have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Experts say there are higher levels of estrogen in obese postmenopausal women, which may be the cause of increased risk.

4) Height
Women who are taller than average have a slightly higher chance of developing breast cancer than women who are shorter than normal. Experts do not know why.

5)alcohol  Drinks
The more alcohol a woman drinks regularly, the greater the risk of developing breast cancer.

6) Aging
The more a woman gets, the higher the risk of developing breast cancer is high; Age is a risk factor. More than 80% of all female breast cancers occur in women over 50 and over (after menopause).

7) Genetics
Women who have a close relative who has / had breast cancer or ovarian cancer are more likely to develop breast cancer. If both members of the immediate family develop the disease, this does not necessarily mean that they share the genes that make them more vulnerable, since breast cancer is a relatively common cancer.

Most breast cancers are not hereditary.

Women carrying the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have a much higher risk of developing breast and / or ovarian cancer. These genes can be inherited. TP53, another gene, is also associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

Treatments for Breast Cancer

 A multidisciplinary team will be involved in the treatment of breast cancer. The team may include an oncologist, a radiologist, a cancer specialist, a nurse specialist, a pathologist, a radiologist, a radiologist, and a reconstructive surgeon. Sometimes the team may also include an occupational therapist, a psychologist, a nutritionist, and a physiotherapist.

The team will consider several factors to decide the best treatment for the patient, including:
Type of breast cancer
The stage and extent of breast cancer - what is the size of the tumor, or has it not spread and, if so, to what extent
If the cancer cells are not hormone sensitive or
The general health of the patient
The age of the patient (who went through menopause?)
The patient's preferences.
The main options for the treatment of breast cancer may include:
Radiation therapy (radiotherapy)
Biological therapy (targeted drug treatment)
Hormone Therapy
