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American Academy of Pediatrics: Codeine is not safe


A group of prominent pediatricians warned that drug codeine analgesic is not safe for children and should not be used to relieve pain or their cough.
Doctors said in a statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics that codeine prescribed for decades to treat two problems, despite mounting evidence that it does not work all the time and sometimes cause serious side effects and may be fatal.

doctor Joseph Tobias from Ohio State University and the National Children's Hospital in Columbus said in an email to Reuters Health Service "strongly believe that there is no reason to use codeine."
According to Tobias and his colleagues said in the statement, which was published in the "Journal Bedeatricks," the codeine has been associated with respiratory problems may pose a risk to life or lead to death in children more than a decade.

 a review conducted by the US Food and Drug spotted side effects serious potential management in children who take codeine 64 cases slow breathing sharp and 24 deaths linked to the drug, including 21 children less than 12 years.

And develop breathing problems often after that the children undergo surgery to remove the tonsils and adenoids, a process underway for the treatment of obstructed breathing problems during sleep or for the treatment of acute tonsillitis or chronic
