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A record high of maternal Opium derivatives abusers in America

 Opium derivatives abusers

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the deaths of Americans due to overdoses of opium derivatives hitting record numbers in 2014, issued by the abuse of heroin and painkillers.
The CDC said overdose rose by 6.5% a year ago, resulting in the killing of 47 thousand and 55 people.
The highest death rates due to overdoses in the states of West Virginia, New Mexico, New Hampshire and Kentucky and Ohio.
She added that the centers of deaths caused by opiates accounted for 61% of deaths from overdoses, and it rose 14% in 2014.
The director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tom Frieden said that "the increasing number of deaths from overdose of opiates abuse is worrying."
The centers reported that since 2000 the total deaths caused by overdoses rose by 137% to reach half a million people, while deaths from opiates jumped by 200%.
The centers that lower heroin prices and wide spread caused the rise in overdoses and recommended tightening own as pain relievers precautions with the introduction of large amounts of the drug naloxone counter excessive doses of opiates
