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liver.......what do you know about it?

Front view of the liver

The liver is a large fleshy organ found on the right side of the abdomen. With a weight around 3 pounds, the liver is reddish brown and feels rubbery to the touch. Normally, you can not feel the liver as it is protected by the rib cage.

The liver has two main sections, called the right and left lobes. The gallbladder can be found in the liver, with parts of the pancreas and intestines. The liver and these organs work together to digest, absorb and process food.

The main task of the liver is to filter the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, before passing the rest of the body. The liver detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. While it does, the liver secretes bile that ends up in the intestines. The liver also makes proteins important for blood clotting, and other functions

Liver condition:
: Inflammation of the liver, usually caused by viruses such as hepatitis A, B and C. Hepatitis may also have non-infectious causes, including excessive alcohol consumption, drugs, allergic reactions or obesity.
Cirrhosis: Long-term liver damage from any cause can lead to permanent scarring, called cirrhosis. The liver does not function well.
Liver cancer: The most common type of liver cancer, extracellular carcinoma, almost always occurs after cirrhosis is present.
Hepatic impairment: Liver failure has many causes, such as infections, genetic diseases, and excess alcohol.
Sites: Cirrhosis results, liver fluid loss (sites) in the stomach, which is distended and heavy.
Gallstones: If a gallstone has become stuck in the bile duct drain the liver, hepatitis and infection of the billiard tract (collagists) may result.
Monochromatic: Monochromatic allows the iron to be deposited in the liver, damaging it. Iron is also deposited throughout the body, causing many other health problems.
Primary sclerosis collagists: A rare disease with unknown causes, primary sclerosis collagists causes inflammation and scarring of the bile ducts of the liver.
Primary billiard cirrhosis: In this disorder rarely, a clear process slowly destroys the bile ducts of the liver. Permanent liver scarring (cirrhosis) eventually develops.

Liver function tests

Blood test:

Liver Function Panel: A liver function panel will check how the liver works and is made up of many different blood tests.
ALT (calamine ministrants): An elevation of ALT helps to identify liver disease or damage from any number of causes, including hepatitis.
AST (aspartame ministrants): In addition to a high ALT, AST checks for liver damage.
Alkaline phosphates: alkaline phosphates is present in the secretory cells of bile in the liver; It is also in the bone. High levels often mean that the flow of bile from the liver is blocked.
Blair: High blurb levels suggest a problem with the liver.
Albumin: As part of total protein levels, albumin helps determine how well the liver is working.
Ammonia: Ammonia levels in the blood rise when the liver is not working properly.
Tests for hepatitis A: If hepatitis A is suspected, the doctor checks how the liver works, as well as antibodies to detect hepatitis A.
Hepatitis B tests: Your doctor can evaluate your antibody levels to determine if you have been infected with hepatitis B.
Tests for Hepatitis C: In addition to checking liver function, blood tests can determine if you have been infected with hepatitis C.
Programing time (PT): A programing time, or PT, is commonly done to see if someone is taking the correct dose of the anticoagulant warfare (Coumadin). It also checks for blood clotting problems.
Partial tribulation time (PTT) A PTT is performed to check blood clotting

liver tests:

Ultrasound: Abdominal ultrasound can test for many liver ailments, including cancer, cirrhosis or gallstone problems.
Computed Tomography: A CT scan of the abdomen provides detailed imaging of the liver and other abdominal organs.
Liver biopsy: Liver biopsy is most often performed after another test, such as blood tests or ultrasound, indicating a possible liver problem.
Liver and spleen scan: This nuclear scanner uses radioactive material to help diagnose a number of conditions, including abscesses, tumors and other liver function problems.

liver treatments:

Treatment for Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A usually goes away over time.
Treating Hepatitis B Chronic hepatitis B often requires treatment with an antiviral drug.
Therapy for hepatitis C: treatment of hepatitis C depends on several factors.
Liver Transplantation: A liver transplant is necessary when the liver stops working properly, regardless of the cause.
Treatment of liver cancer: Although liver cancer is usually difficult to cure, treatment consists of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In some cases, a surgical resection or liver transplant is performed.
Parchedness: When severe sites - swelling in the belly of liver failure - causes discomfort, a needle can be inserted through the skin to drain the abdominal fluid.
ERP (endoscopic retrograde cognizance): through a long, flexible tube with a camera and tools at the end, doctors can diagnose and even treat certain liver problems.
